I’m Jeff Lupient, life coach and developer of the WIFE (Winning Is For Everyone) program. I’ve been researching on ways to motivate people to reach their potential in order to help my clients. Last week, I came across a rather intriguing sports article written by a very successful entrepreneur.
Image source: jeffbullas.com
In the article, he says that both his personal and professional lives were in shambles because one affected the other negatively. It was then that his neighbor recommended him to join a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) class. The businessman noted all the different (good) things BJJ did for his life.
It started with him being more aware of the connection between his mind and his body. Since BJJ is as much mental as it is physical, he was motivated to think positive and mold his body. He has never been healthier in his life.
This businessman also mentioned how BJJ taught him camaraderie as his teammates and sparring partners worked closely to improve themselves. He has since applied this to the small business he opened, encouraging employees to reach their potential on a daily basis. Talk about paying it forward.
And finally, he notes how BJJ has taught him patience. Since BJJ is all about waiting for opportunities and taking advantage of them, practitioners get to hone this mindset on the mats and use them in their lives.
I, Jeff Lupient, am actually very much interested. In fact, I’ve even signed up for a starter’s class here in my town.
Jeff Lupient WIFE believes in spreading the message that 'Winning Is For Everyone.' Whether you are an employee, an artist, a startup founder, or a veteran entrepreneur, it is always possible to reach new levels of success. For more business tips and insights, click here.